These are the forum rules, if you follow these rules we won't be having any problems.
1. Do NOT mention any kinds of servers in the forums, it will count as advertising and will not be tolerated causing a permanent ban.
2. NO flaming or disrespect towards staff in the forums, they work hard to make the forums better for the players and disrespect will not be tolerated.
3. NO flaming or disrespect towards a player in the forums. Treat one another as you want to be treated. Example: posts that involves trolling/disrespecting them
4. Do NOT Impersonate staff names or staff positions. Example: Moderator Apollo, Administrator Killa, etc…
5. NO real-world trading through the forums, we can and WILL find out if you do this. Example: Trading your in-game money/gear to someone in real life for money
6. NO racism/vulgar/abusive comments on threads, topics, and posts. You will be warned if you do this. Example: You're asian gtfo this forum kid
7. NO trolling/flaming/disrespect in Xat Chatbox or Forums Chatbox to players AND staff, doing so will get you kicked or worse, a ban from the chatbox.
8. Do NOT post anything Inappropriate, you will be warned the first time. Next time, you won't be so lucky. Example: Pornographic pictures and videos, as well as bloody/violent pictures and videos
Thats it for the forum rules. If i've missed anything PM me or One, I will change/add it as soon as possible.
1. Do NOT mention any kinds of servers in the forums, it will count as advertising and will not be tolerated causing a permanent ban.
2. NO flaming or disrespect towards staff in the forums, they work hard to make the forums better for the players and disrespect will not be tolerated.
3. NO flaming or disrespect towards a player in the forums. Treat one another as you want to be treated. Example: posts that involves trolling/disrespecting them
4. Do NOT Impersonate staff names or staff positions. Example: Moderator Apollo, Administrator Killa, etc…
5. NO real-world trading through the forums, we can and WILL find out if you do this. Example: Trading your in-game money/gear to someone in real life for money
6. NO racism/vulgar/abusive comments on threads, topics, and posts. You will be warned if you do this. Example: You're asian gtfo this forum kid
7. NO trolling/flaming/disrespect in Xat Chatbox or Forums Chatbox to players AND staff, doing so will get you kicked or worse, a ban from the chatbox.
8. Do NOT post anything Inappropriate, you will be warned the first time. Next time, you won't be so lucky. Example: Pornographic pictures and videos, as well as bloody/violent pictures and videos
Thats it for the forum rules. If i've missed anything PM me or One, I will change/add it as soon as possible.